What Is 2Pac Spray Painting, And Can I Use It on My Car?

Keeping your car nice and neat in an environment as harsh as Australia is almost impossible. From the scorching suns out west to the tropical heat of the north and the cold showers down south, there is no respite for a car in this country. All that means you are going to have to deal with dings, scratches, rust and other problems on your car's surface. Luckily, there are a variety of solutions you can employ to tackle these problems, but none work as good or as quickly as 2pac spray painting.

What Is 2Pac Spray Painting?

2pac spray painting is a system where normal acrylic paint is mixed with a resin. Sounds simple enough, right? However, this combination means that a strong bond is formed that makes the paint much tougher and more durable. That makes it appealing for car owners because most vehicles experience a lot of different elements that make normal paint fade quicker. The 2pac in 2pac spray painting refers to the two different parts of the spray paint that are mixed just before they are applied. If you do not apply the 2pac paint within a few hours, the mixture will harden inside the spray can and become unusable.

Can You Apply It to a Single Area?

2pac spray painting is a popular method of covering up small- to medium-level scratches because it is quite simple to set up and relatively cheap. You can even do it on your own if you have proper safety equipment which includes:

  • Face mask: You need professional-level safety masks when dealing with any sort of spray painting. 2pac spray painting requires extra precautions because it uses a resin that hardens, which makes it far more dangerous if inhaled. 
  • Protective clothing: Gloves, overalls and thick sleeves should all be worn when using spray paint to ensure the corrosive elements of the paint don't negatively affect your skin.
  • Ventilated room: Never, ever spray paint in a room that has little to no ventilation. You may not realise it, but you can easily be poisoned by the gasses involved in spray painting if they cannot escape the room. 

Professional Vs Amateur 2Pac Spray Painting

There are millions of amateur car enthusiasts that overestimate their abilities when it comes to taking care of their vehicles. Normally, this is harmless, and when you make mistakes tinkering with your car, you simply have to fork out more to get it repaired by an expert later on. However, spray painting is not something to take lightly simply because you can really badly affect your own health if you take it too casually.

If you don't have all the aforementioned safety equipment and at least a few years of working with cars, then you really should leave paintwork to the professionals. In addition to this, you will get much better quality work from an expert spray painter anyway, so why risk it? 2pac spray painting is a great leap forward for the automotive industry but should always be used under safe conditions.
